The Oslo Grieg Society aims to contribute to the cultural development of the Norway’s capital city in the spirit of Edvard Grieg by
•arranging concerts, workshops, seminars, lectures
•working together with people and establishments in the Norwegian and international art arena
•promoting musicians, their artistic efforts and achievements
•creating a focus on contemporary music and contemporary Composers
Contact information:
Board members:
Einar Steen-Nøkleberg (chairman, photo)
Bjørn Øgaard (vice-chairman)
Jonas Aune (administrative leader)
Désirée Paulsen Bakke
Elisabeth Tandberg
•The Oslo Grieg Festival
•The Grieg International Composer Competition
•Concerts and lectures
•Oslo Grieg Society Meetings
More information can be found here
As a member of the Oslo Grieg Society you will:
•be informed about the Oslo Grieg Society’s activities
•be invited to society meetings and to shape the society’s future
•contribute to financial predictability with an annual fee of NOK 300/200
•organizations/companies contribute with an annual fee of NOK 2500