Presented at the Grieg Conference in Bergen May 27, 2000
Siska Ingeborg, Slovakia
Music Scholar, Bratislava
The music reception of works by E. H. Grieg with an accent on music environment of Bratislava.
The fact that Grieg´s music was continuously accepted by the music public in Slovakia, particularly in Bratislava has connection with two frame conditions: first – that until 1918 romantic style in music continued to be actual in Slovakia; second – his works were frequented by Hungarian and German socially prestigious groups of citizens.
Until 1919 Bratislava was a provincial type of middle-size city. Although it was a multinational town with inhabitants of Hungarian, German, Czech, Slovak, Jewish, Bulgarian and other nationalities (which might add it some kind of “Hellenic flavour“) the fact is that Slovakia was under political rule of Hungarian minority since the second half of the19th century, ending up in enacting of the Hungarian language for official language which continued until 1919.
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Siska Ingeborg paper 2000